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High Paying Travel Nursing Jobs

We make searching for your next assignment easy. We display rate and location details for 1000s of high-paying travel nursing jobs. New jobs are posted every hour, so set up job alerts. Start your adventure today!

High Paying Travel RN Jobs

Stability Healthcare provides more than top-paying travel RN assignments, we offer excellent opportunities at many of the top-rated hospitals in the country. If you are a registered nurse open to adventure and looking to advance your experience and career, let your next assignment provide the freedom to select where you work. As a Travel RN, you receive above-average salary compensation as well as Day 1 Premium Healthcare, PTO, Guaranteed Stipends, Extra Hours Bonuses, and 401K Retirement benefits. In addition to partnering with most of the U.S. News & World Report’s highest-rated hospitals, our nurses enjoy 36 to 48-hour work weeks and flexible-length assignments. While Stability offers many short and long-term assignments, the standard length of an assignment is 13 to 26 weeks. This provides a nurse with the opportunity to extend or the freedom and flexibility to try a new location. Stability has access to thousands of available positions from coast to coast for you to choose from. From large cities and small towns to renowned teaching hospitals and specialty clinics, each assignment offers a slightly different experience. Trust Stability with your next opportunity. Whether you’re looking for an assignment that will lead to a permanent home, expand your knowledge with top nationally ranked hospitals, or experience adventure in unique locations around the country, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about salary compensation here .

How To Become a Travel Nurse?

The road to becoming a travel nurse starts off with obtaining your degree as a Registered Nurse (RN). Depending on your program, this takes anywhere between two to four years. After graduating from your selected program, you must pass the NCLEX RN exam. While different states have different requirements, the Enhanced Nursing Licensure Compact is in place so that standards are maintained, allowing single license access in over 25 states. Other states require their state-specific license to practice as an RN. Once you have obtained your license, most facilities require a traveler to have a minimum of one (1) year of acute care experience in your specialty. Depending on your specialty, other certifications may be required such as an ACLS, PALS, or AWHONN. While not all specialties require certifications, It is highly beneficial, depending on your specialty to have a certification, to validate your competency as a nurse in your specific field. After selecting an opportunity, interviewing with the facility, and your assignment has been confirmed, you will be required to complete your clinical credentialing. Credentialing must be completed prior to starting your first assignment and includes license verification, current TB test, physical, immunizations, background checks, etc.

Luxury Housing – One of the best parts of travel RN contracts

Whether you’re planning your first assignment, or you’re an experienced traveler, finding the right housing can make or break your assignment. In the past, most nurses elected to have their recruiter arrange housing, but today most travelers choose to take the housing stipend and find their own housing. If you decide to find your own accommodation, there are lots of resources at your disposal. From vacation rental websites like HomeAway, VRBO, and Airbnb to housing services they cater to nurses like Furnished Finder and Corporate Housing by Owner. At Stability Healthcare, we want your experience to be as easy and enjoyable as possible. We realize one size doesn’t fit all and that’s why we provide you with options. Whether you take advantage of our premium housing accommodations or prefer to find that hidden gem on your own, we’re here to help and make your assignment as stress-free as possible.

Work With A Company You Trust

At Stability Healthcare, we know that becoming a travel nurse is an amazing career opportunity that is unique, exciting, and lucrative. Now that you’re ready to take on this adventure and explore the world, the most important thing is to be with a company you trust. From our Gold Seal of Approval by The Joint Commission to being rated one of the top nurse staffing agencies, Stability is here for you. We have thousands of facility contracts across all 50 states with jobs that are updated hourly, not daily or weekly like other agencies. We’ve created pay transparency allowing our nurses to view the best RN jobs online that fit their geographical and financial needs with no upfront hassle. You have questions, we have answers. Visit our comprehensive FAQ page , call us at (855) 742-4767, or chat with one of our knowledgeable recruiters. Whether you are just starting out, have questions about a specific assignment, or need assistance applying, we’re ready to help!